More News on Bhajji slapping Sreesanth …Bhajji Suspended

Friday’s Incident of Harbhajan Singh slapping Sreesanth has provoked anger from many quarters. Following pressure from various quarters, IPL board has formed a committee to investigate the issue. The hearing on this will be held on 28th April and Bhajji has been suspended from IPL tournament till then.

The Kings XI Punjab captain Yuvaraj Singh told it is very unfortunate incident criticizing his friend Bhajji. The Kings XI Punjab has officially lodged a complaint with IPL committee on this incident. Also the Matter was reported to the committee by match referee Farook Engineer. The IPL commissioner Lalit Modi said “ The incident is very unfortunate. BCCI has taken note of it and a committee will investigate on this issue. Based on the committee’s report appropriate action will be taken against Bhajji, as per ICC rules, if his guilt is proved”. Bhajji has been asked to explain during the hearing ion 28th.Since this incident is very evident, Bhajji will have to face a serious action and his career will be a question.. At the same time Mumbai Indians team coach Lalchand Rajput has said that Mumbai team is with Harbhajan.

The concern here is both Bhajji and Sreesanth have to play together for India after few days. Whatever action BCCI takes, this incident will leave a scar on relationship between the two and may impact the team. The slap is not easy to forget and more so for Sreesanth who is known to speak his mind.

Critically yours.


One Response

  1. This stupid sardar (bhajji) should be kicked on ass and banned for life. Success has taken over his head and he has reached to a position where nothing or noone is respectable for him. Ask him – was he like this when he was included in the Indian team? NO!
    He has had enough now where all his country-men supported him (Australia Episode) but this is ridiculous. I ascertain that he should be kicked on his ass and fined heavily. Let him relax now and handle the “barber shop” of his at Chandigarh…there he can slap, kick or do whatever inside the shop. We do not want another Shoaib Akhtar in our team after all the greatness of Gavaskar’s and Tendulkar’s..

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